Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Beginnings

There are so many beautiful chapters in this earthly life. God has already blessed me with some great ones. Before I move onto the next one, I must look back and give thanks for my last chapter as a foster parent. It was a chapter that I will cherish and keep close to my heart, always.

It's hard to put into words, my thoughts on this last year. Where to begin? Being a foster parent brought the most amazing people into my life. It brought me so much love. I will never forget the beauty and joy I experienced everyday as I fell more and more in love with those children. I still dream about them. I still yearn to see them and hold them close. I'm not sure those feelings will ever go away. I'm not sure I want them to. 

There is so much I miss about nine kids, in particular...
  • D. I knew you for just 3 months. You will be with me for a lifetime.
  • A. We had so much fun. You stole my heart. You changed me.
  • J. Your kindness and joy will always inspire me. I miss your sweet smile.
  • M. My baby girl. I dream about you all the time.
  • Baby J. I pray for your new family. I hope you're still flashing that winning smile.
  • C. I have your painting hung up in my room. Just like I promised.
  • H. My life is too quiet without you in it. I miss your loud laughter.
  • A. Your smile always brightened the room. Wish I could squeeze you tight.
  • Baby D. There is nothing I want more than to have you right here with me.

I sit here, thinking about all 9 of you. I think how amazing it would be if you were all with me right now. That's the hardest part about this chapter - it ends. You belonged to me for a little while and now it's time to say goodbye. It's time to take everything I learned from you and move forward to the next chapter. It's time for a new beginning (for all of us). Even though you may not remember me, specifically, I hope that deep inside, you remember how much you were loved. I hope you hold onto that feeling and never, ever settle for anything less.

God, I pray that You hold those nine kids in the palm of Your hand. Lead them to Your perfect Light.

"God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy." - Psalm 68:6