Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 55: Halloween Eve

All dressed up!

My little bumblebee :)

Unfortunately, I cannot legally post any pictures of the kids. Hence, the two pictures above of just their backs. But, as you can see, we've been having lots of Halloween fun around here! We've got a muscleman, a superhero from the Fantastic Four, a ladybug (who doubles as a bumblebee), and a pirate! A volunteer group came to the neighborhood on Saturday and hosted a Halloween party for the kids. They had a blast getting all dressed up and collecting LOTS of candy in their new trick-or-treating bags (thanks mom and dad!). My parents sent each child a Halloween gift bag, complete with vampire teeth, candy, crayons, coloring books, and more. They are the best! The kids LOVED their bags and would not put them down all day. Today is Halloween Eve, so that means the big day is just 24 hours away and everyone is getting so excited. I remember being a kid and feeling like it took FOREVER until we got to go trick-or-treating. It was always such a fun part of my childhood and I hope our kids will remember and cherish their Halloween here at Casa :)

Other than that, everything is still going very well. We all fall in love with our children a little more each day. It's hard not to when they are just SO adorable! I really wish my family could meet them all! Now that the holidays are fast approaching, I'm feeling a little homesick knowing that I won't be home for Christmas (my favorite time of the year!). However, I know that this year will be extra special because I'll be spending it with these amazing kids. They deserve to have the best Christmas ever.

In other news, I'll be attending a Joyce Meyer conference next week! I'm really looking forward to it. My mom and I have wanted to see Joyce for awhile now, so this will be really great. I'm also very happy that I've been able to go to church regularly here. I was concerned at first that I wouldn't be able to make it there every week, but so far, it has worked out well. God provides everything we need. I have been realizing that a lot more lately and have found such comfort in that knowledge. Thank you Father, for always being there, loving us unconditionally. Thank you for bringing these little ones into my life. Give me the patience, strength, and grace to be a reflection of Your perfect light to these children at all times. Amen.

"The Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed." - 2 Timothy 4:17

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 47: His Love

There is not much new to report on, only that with each passing day, my love for these children grows deeper and deeper. They are seriously the sweetest, most resilient kids I've ever known. They make me laugh and cry; they make me want to pull my hair out one minute, but then they melt my heart the next. I love them. God loves them. He is enough.

"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God." - 2 Corinthians 3:5

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 40: Forty Days of Casa

FORTY DAYS? Has it really been forty days? Feels like just yesterday I was in the airport with my mom, nervous and excited for my new Houston journey. As I sit here (relaxing during naptime!), I can't help but reflect on the past 40 days and acknowledge God's guidance and grace in my life. I know this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Before I had even heard about Casa, working my 9-to-5 back in Syracuse, I was praying for God to guide me toward my next step in life. I had no idea what that might entail or what He had in mind, but I knew I needed to trust and follow. So I did. I followed Him all the way to Houston and have never felt such peace about a decision.

Although I have only committed for one year here and I have no idea what my next chapter will be, I am certain of one thing: my future is in God's hands. God is already there. May He grant me the strength to follow wherever He leads.

On a different note, the kids are still doing great. Sometimes they'll get sad and ask about their mom or dad, which is always so hard to hear. I never know the right words to say. I just reassure them that we love them and are here for them. They are so strong! At such a young age, they have already experienced so much adversity. My only comfort is knowing that God is with them. I pray that He uses me to bring joy and peace to their lives.

"Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones." - Isaiah 49:13

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 37: Houston Rockets

On Day 37, after spending the morning and afternoon with the kids, I went to the Houston Rockets pre-season NBA game with a couple other houseparents! We had box seats, which made us feel kind of important :) It was an awesome night! The Houston Rockets beat the New Orleans Hornets 95-75. Jeremy Lin also got a lot of playing time; it was pretty LINSANE to see him in person. Ha.ha.ha.

After the game, a group of us went downtown to a country western bar! Complete with country music and lots of line dancing, it was such a great night. We'll definitely be returning soon. I need to buy some cowboy boots ASAP!

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."  - Isaiah 55:12

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 36: Halloween Spirit

Our kids are getting very excited for Halloween! Everyday they ask: "Is it Halloween yet?" We've gotten lots of Halloween books and spooky music from the library. It's been so fun! We even had a day when it was "chilly" - by Houston standards. Fall is definitely in the air :) Nothing beats fall in the Northeast, but nothing is more fun than Halloween with lots of excited kids!

In addition to listening to "Monster Mash" and "Purple People Eater" more times than I can count, I've also decided to start the Paleo Diet. Basically, it involves eating like a caveman. It includes any food that can be hunted or gathered. Lots of lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruit, and nuts. No breads, grains, legumes, dairy, or added sugar. I've been reading a lot about the Paleo lifestyle and I am so interested in learning all about it and starting this new "journey". We'll see how it goes! I'll give it 30 days to decide if it's the right plan for me. It makes sense though; it's the way humans are supposed to eat!

Because of this new Paleo plan, I've definitely been cooking a lot more and spending lots of time in the kitchen. This is definitely not something I'm used to, but it's been a lot of fun. I have to plan my cooking times around the kids though, obviously, so naptime and after bedtime are both good times to experiment :)

Our kids have been doing awesome. Looking back to when I first started, they have grown and developed so well. First grade and pre-school have been going great for our two school-aged boys and the younger ones are definitely progressing. I look forward to seeing them grow even more! It's unclear how long they will be with us, but no matter what, I pray that God enables them to develop and mature into faithful, hard-working adults. Their future is in His hands.

"I have told you these things so that you would find comfort in Me. In this world, you will suffer; but be courageous, for I have overcome the world!" - John 16:33

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 29: A Week of Firsts

This has been one crazy week - and it's not even over yet! On Monday, two of our beautiful children were discharged. It was my first discharge experience here and it was definitely hard. It was wonderful to take care of them for the past couple weeks; I couldn't have asked for more adorable kids. I pray that God guides them and protects them throughout their lives. May they always know His love.

After that, we had just one night of only three kids. The following day, I had my first intake experience. We received two new children who are both cute as buttons; we are so lucky! They have adjusted very well to their new home.

In addition to all of these comings and goings, two of our kids had their first day of school! It has been so exciting to get their school supplies ready, hear about their days, and help them with homework. It brings back so many memories!

This week has also been pretty hectic with a multitude of appointments for the children. With new intakes, there are always lots of doctor visits and evaluations within the first week. Next week, I look forward to getting everything settled and enjoying our little family :) It's funny, I now understand how much work my mom had to do when we were young! There is always so much to be done: cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, doctors, schoolwork, appointments - the list goes on and on! My heart goes out to all single mothers. Motherhood is probably the hardest job in the world, but it is by far the most fulfilling.

Every night, after storytime but before tucking the children into bed, we always rock them and sing lullabies. This special time with each child is always my favorite part of the day. After a long day, it always brings me such peace to hold them and pray for them. I ask God to give them the strength to weather any storm, to hold them in His arms always.

"Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually." - 1 Chronicles 16:11