Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 84: The Little Things

Life is all about the little things. Things like my little man pulling his baby sister in the wagon, all by himself. It was a perfect evening. Right before it got dark, a little chill in the air, just me and the three kiddos riding around the neighborhood in our red wagon. Looking back at them, I had to stop and smile. We shared a happy moment with God, the four of us together. His presence was tangible. Thank you, Lord Jesus. For all the little moments You have given me with these children. I never imagined I would love them so much. I am so thankful for every moment I get to spend with their sweet faces.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." - James 1:17

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 79: Thanksgiving

Although this Thanksgiving was filled with a heavy heart due to a missing piece, it was a day full of thanks and love! Our sweet 6-year-old is onto the next chapter of his childhood and we are all praying for his well-being. May his life be filled with God's love and all the sweet childhood innocence that he so desperately deserves. We are loving you always. With that being said, our home was still a happy one on this lovely holiday. We ate so much. Turkey, cornbread stuffing (a Texas tradition), sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, and PIE! The whole dinner was donated (thank you, sweet volunteers!) and everything was absolutely delicious. We got up early, stayed in our PJs for awhile, watched the parade, dressed up the kids real cute, went outside for our own little "turkey parade" around the neighborhood, ate two huge meals, and had a wonderful day together as a family. We even filled the kids with enough tryptophan for a nice long nap!

I was able to video chat with my family as well, which was so nice. It feels so different being here in Houston during this time of year. 80 degrees on Thanksgiving?? That just isn't right :) Although I am feeling homesick this holiday season, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else but right here with these amazing children. I'm in love with each and every one of them. I was just standing there today, looking at their smiling faces, thinking how lucky I am to know them. I just wish I could know them forever. Yesterday's goodbye brought the realization that I will have to say goodbye to all of these beautiful souls. Their future is in God's hands alone. May He protect and guide them always.

"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." - 1 Chronicles 29:13

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 77: Saying Goodbye

Today was a hard day - a day filled with anxiety, sadness, confusion, and one very tear-filled goodbye. It was an unimaginably difficult day for my sweet six-year-old boy. To undergo so much adversity at such a young age is truly impossible for me to comprehend. I have been begging God all day to fill his beautiful soul with the strength and courage he needs to overcome these hard times. Life can be so unfair.

On the day before Thanksgiving, a time for family and friends to gather together in love, our sweet boy was moved from our home and relocated. I am still confused by the whole process and do not fully understand the reasoning, but I pray that God takes this situation into His capable hands and leads our boy to a loving home. He deserves all the love in the world.

Trying to explain to him that he'll be leaving us for a new home was the most difficult moment I've had as a foster parent so far. How can a six-year-old be expected to understand? "I won't be here for Thanksgiving? I want to stay here with you." What do I say to that? All I could do was hold him close and wipe away his tears. God is with you, buddy. We'll miss you and love you forever.

"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles." - Psalm 34:17

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 74: The Joys of the Overnight

Last night, on the overnight shift with our precious baby girl (who is almost TWO months already!), I had a beautiful moment with God. Lying there, with her sweet head on my shoulder, eyelids fluttering as she slept soundly, I couldn't help but smile in utter joy. I thought to myself, "Wow, I am so lucky. So lucky that on this night, God has entrusted this beautiful life to me." It was in this moment that life felt absolutely perfect. I spent some time just watching her sleep, praying that God would guide her through the trials and tribulations that will inevitably enter her life, as they enter all of our earthly lives. Although she'll certainly have her share of hardship, on this night, she knows only love. Thanks be to God.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

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Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

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Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

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Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 65: Enjoying Everyday Life

As hinted in the title of this post, I attended a Joyce Meyer conference last night here in Houston at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church. I went with a couple other houseparents and had such an enjoyable night full of praise, worship, and wonderful biblical insights from Joyce. The theme of her message last night was celebrating everyday life: focusing on the positives and giving your burdens to God. As Christians, we hear this message a lot. However, it's often so difficult to do and I definitely needed the reminder! As a foster parent to five beautiful children, the monotony of routine can easily creep in and sabotage the simple joys of everyday life. I need to take time out each day to just sit in appreciation of my life and all the amazing people in it. I need to revel in the laughter of our kids and let go of my mental "to-do list" every now and then! It's moments like these that will stay with me forever. Sweeping all the cheerios off the floor can wait a few minutes while my four-year-old shows me his new "ninja cape" or my six-year-old sings "Hakuna Matata" for the hundredth time or my three-year-old walks around in slippers 10 sizes too big for him with the silliest smile on his face or my two-year-old laughs uncontrollably as she pretends to be a monster and scares her big brother. Or even when my precious baby girl gives us a huge, adorable smile (usually right before a massive poop explosion). These moments aren't defined by how clean the kitchen was or how messy my hair looked that day; these moments are defined by the sheer beauty of God's perfect light, shining brightly through the eyes of a child.

Lord, help me to remember your love and beauty in every situation. No matter how many "burdens" lay in front of me, help me to see only You and to reflect only Your love to every person I meet. Help me to enjoy my everyday life. You've given me a great one.

“For the word of God is alive and active…” - Hebrews 4:12