Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 253: Summer is Coming

Well, it's almost summertime here in Houston. You know what that means! High 80s everyday. I'm loving it. Ask me how I like it in July and August; I might have a different response. Right now though, the weather is perfect. Life is good. 

My sweet babies C & H and baby A and Grumpy D (who's not grumpy at all, he's actually a pretty perfect baby) are all doing so well. Our house is working together smoothly and the kiddos are loving life. 

C is hilarious. He wakes up in the morning and says "You're the silliest and the craziest! Ha! I said it first!" I just sigh and say, "Yep C, you got me! I'll get ya tomorrow." He's in love with his new overalls. He unbuckles one side and says he looks just like "Wreck it, Ralph" (a recent kids' movie). He loves reading his Batman and Spiderman books (just like my A). He loves pre-school. He's head-over-heels for the Ninja Turtles. He's Donatello (the purple one). He is the pickiest eater I've EVER known. He hates all vegetables, even fruit and CHOCOLATE! Yep, even chocolate. Crazy kid. He makes me laugh all the time. I love his dance moves and how he helps me "clean" the bathroom. I love his onesie pajamas. I just love him.

H is a sweetheart with a screaming problem. He can be the loveliest, happiest kid you'll ever know, but as soon as you take him up to bed he will start screaming at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS. Oh man, that scream. Let's hope it's just a "terrible two" thing. I gotta love him though. His big ol' goofy smile in the morning. The way he yells "I'M READY!" when you take a toy from him. How much he misses G. The way he loves my phone. "Where's your phone? I want it." His adorable speech impediment. His backward onesies. His clumsiness. His big heart. Love you, H.

Baby A. That girl has ENERGY. All day long, she is on the move. Go, go, go. She just learned how to crawl, so she is all over the house putting everything in her mouth. Shoes, socks, toys, feet, grass...she doesn't discriminate. She is so strong. All muscle! Her arms have muscle definition. Unbelievable for a 7-month-old, right? She's basically almost walking. Child prodigy, folks! When she's hungry, her scream can probably deafen a small animal. It's that loud. Girl loves her food! I love when I'm rocking her to sleep and she looks up at me and smiles. I sing "Row, row, row your boat..." and she starts to giggle. Thanks for sleeping through the night. I love you, sweet girl.

Last, but definitely not least. Love of my life. Adorable baby D. Seriously, I love this baby so much. I want to keep him forever. He's my little 4-month-old man. That smile, his cheeks, those big dark eyes and little poof of hair. I love how he cuddles with me. I love how he laughs when I kiss his little face and hands and feet. I could smell him all day long. He's got the quietest, saddest sounding cry. He loves his pink pacifier. He's got a bulldog onesie and the cutest blue overalls. When I took him to the doctor, she remarked, "You can tell he really loves you. He is very attached to you." That melted my heart. Okay D, I'm gonna take you home with me forever. Love you to the moon.

"Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." - Proverbs 19:21